Serving electricians throughout Western Colorado

3 JW, 1 JL

For Thursday, June 30th, there are 3 calls for work:

1 call for 2 Journeyman Wiremen for MJ Electric working at Craig Powerhouse starting July 11th.  $29.25/hr with $3/hr per diem.  Drug Test and Background check required.

1 call for 1 Journeyman Wireman for MJ Electric working at Craig Powerhouse starting July 11th.  $29.25/hr with $3/hr per diem.  Must be an experienced welder to take this particular call.  No welding certificates required.  Drug Test and Background check required.

1 call for 1 Journeyman Lineman for Titan Electric working in Montrose under the REA Agreement starting July 5th.  $35.82/hr with $50 a day per diem.  CDL and Drug Test required.